important Notice
    1. Never respond to any popups, emails, SMS or phone call seeking your personal information such as user id, password, mobile number, ATM card number, PIN, Expiry Date etc, however officially looking or appealing it may be. Such communication are sent or created by fraudsters to get your credentials for unauthorised activities.
    2. Ensure that your computer is free of malware (Viruses, Trojans etc..) by use of anti-virus, firewall etc.
    3. Please contact our Internet Banking Operations Support Cell ([email protected]) for any guidance, Ph : 0484 2384502
    4. Please remember that South Indian Bank Ltd. is Not Liable for any loss arising from your sharing / compromise of your sensitive account related information such as User ID Passwords or PINs with anyone, NOR from their consequent unauthorized. You are required to understand the importance of keeping such details confidential as well be aware of the consequences of their misuse
Security Tips
      Type URL to Access SIBerNet
      close Always type the address of the bank's website in the address bar of your browser. Make sure that the page opening up is genuine.
      Sibernet Credentials Needed
      close User ID [(8 characters- in case of personal or 10 characters in case of instant user id's)], Sign on Password and Transaction Password
      Use Virtual Key Board
      close Using the virtual keyboard (VKB) wherever available would help prevent key-logger compromises as in such cases the keyboard is not being used for the input.
      Do Not Share Your Password
      close Never Disclose/share your credentials with any person. South Indian Bank officials will never ask you for your Internet Banking Passwords.
      Do Not Store Your Password
      close Do not store passwords in a file on any device (including mobile or similar devices) without encryption. Do not let your computer remember your password. Never accept auto complete option provided by your computer/ browser.
      Login Frequently and Check your Account
      close Logging into the SIBerNet not only helps you keep track of your accounts online but also enables you to notice and stop any fraudulent activity quickly.
      Change Password Frequently
      close Use best practices for creating strong passwords. Change passwords at least once every 180days (One hundred eighty days)
      Check your Last Login Time
      close Check the date and time of your last login when logged in to Sibernet, to ensure there has been no compromises.
      Be Vigilant & Be Safe against any form of Phishing
      close Never fill in any form that you have accessed via a link through, e-mail or from any source other than from the bank with sensitive data such as User-ID, Password, PINs, and other account related information.
      Never leave your session Unattended
      close Do not leave your internet banking session unattended. Always logout completely. Make sure that you have: a) Logout the application by clicking on logout button. b) Close all the browser windows
      Clear Browser Cache
      close Always clear your browser cache after each session
      Never access SIBerNet from Public Computers
      close Never access internet banking from Cyber caf�s and other public computer .Always access SIBerNet using your personal computers, as it will reduce the chances of ID theft, Phishing etc.
      Use only recommended Browsers
      close Please ensure safe banking through Internet .SIBerNet is best accessed using Internet Explorer version 5.5 & above and Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 & above, with a screen resolution 1024 by 768 pixels.
      SSL Certification for secure page
      close Please note that the login page of Sibernet has a padlock image at the bottom. The URL (address) would be secured beginning with https://. The details of the digital certificate can be viewed by clicking on the padlock image.
    Kindly ensure that your URL for Login and subsequent pages start with
    Also ensure that URL is highlighted with GREEN color as shown below:
    NB: In case you are getting a different type of URL,Please contact your branch or I-Banking Cell-0484 2384502 immediately and do not proceed further until instructions are obtained from branch or I-Banking cell
Tips to Corporate Customers
      Corporate Login Format
    1. Type URL to Access SIBerNet
    2. Sibernet Credentials Needed
    3. Use Virtual Key Board
      Multiple Users
    1. A Corporate customer can apply for multiple Internet Banking users for the same corporate for operating the accounts. The Corporate also has the facility of setting up Work-flow rules (i.e. hierarchical rules for approving requests within the organization).
    2. The corporate can also restrict the accounts being shown to different users, based on their designations, roles, divisions etc.
    3. For jointly operated accounts, Internet Banking facility will be issued as jointly (Maker-Checker Model)
      Fund transfer limit
    1. The Corporate user can view the Corporate Limits granted to the different linked accounts. Go to Other Services > transaction limit enquiry to view Fund transfer limit.
    2. Default daily fund transfer limit will be Rs 25 Lakh for External fund transfer, Rs 25 Lakh for Third Party fund transfer and Rs 25 Lakh for Self fund transfer. However, you can enhance(increase) the same limit by contacting your branch.
      Bulk NEFT/RTGS/ Within SIB fund transfer facility:
    1. For corporate customer having large number of financial transactions, we have a facility to do bulk transactions with single authorization. To enable this facility kindly contact your branch.
      Bulk Beneficiary creation
    1. Number of beneficiaries that can be added in a day has been restricted to 10 nos. However, a corporate customer can add 'N' Number of beneficiaries through Bulk Beneficiary File upload facility. For bulk beneficiary creation using file upload facility kindly forward a request to Ibanking cell through your branch.
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