Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC):
Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited (ECGC) was established in 1957 by the Government of India. ECGC provides a range of credit risk insurance covers to exporters against loss in export of goods, failure of buyers and also other unforeseen losses. SIB as corporate agents to ECGC offers a bouquet of ECGC export credit insurance products to our esteemed customers. The various Credit Insurance Guarantees offered by ECGC through SIB are as follows:
  • Whole turnover packing credit (ECIB WT-PC) Guarantee
  • Whole turnover post shipment (ECIB WT-PS) Guarantee


Name of the corporate agent
The South Indian Bank Ltd.
Name of Directors
SIB House,Mission Quarters,
T B Road, Thrissur- 680 001