SIB-Pulse (NRE/NRO) Savings Account specially designed for non- resident Health professionals, which allows to route all your financial transactions in a secure and convenient way. The modified features applicable as of 20th December 2023 are outlined below.


    1. Average monthly balance requirement of Rs. 10,000/-
    2. Flexibility to maintain minimum balance of Rs. 10,000/- in linked accounts (eligible for last 2 opened NR accounts)
    3. No minimum balance in SB required on
      1. Maintenance of NRI Term Deposit of Rs. 2,00,000/- and above
      2. Opening a RD of Rs. 20,000/- Per month with minimum tenure of 12 months.
    4. Free Internet Banking and Mobile Banking services.
    5. Free International Debit card, SMS & Internet banking services.
    6. Free and unlimited NEFT / RTGS & DD / PO and ATM withdrawals
    7. Free 25 leaves Cheque Books
    8. Maximum 25% waiver on processing fee for Home Loans and Auto Loans based on approval from loan sanction authority.
    9. 1000 SIB REWARD points on opening of NRE/ NRO account together

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