Scheme Details
Type of facility
Discounting of Rental receivables as per Master Rental Agreement.
Target customers-
a. Asset leasing companies/entities with an existence of minimum 3 years.
b. Minimum net worth of Rs.1.00 crores
c. Minimum lease receivables of Rs.100.00 crores as per latest available AFS/CA certified
Factoring limit
Minimum factoring limit-Rs 5.00 crores
Maximum factoring limit-Rs 20.00 crores
The eligible loan amount depends on the Master Rental Agreements, method of assessment etc.
Primary security
a. Assignment of rental receivables on exclusive basis.
b. Hypothecation of equipment / assets rented to lessee on exclusive basis.
As per lease agreement subject to a maximum of period of 5 years.
Rate of Interest
Rating of Lessee
Rate of Interest
91 day T-bill +3.11%
91 day T-bill +3.61%
91 day T-bill +4.11%
Rate of interest is fixed for the entire tenor of the facility
Processing/upfront fees
1% of the loan amount
Documents from lessee
- Audited financial statement for 3 years
- Provisional financials
- CMA covering the repayment period
- Debt profile of entity
- 6-month account statement
- 6 -months GST return statement
- Share holding pattern
- KYC documents
- All other necessary documents required for assessment
Facility for assets
Finance for new assets